What is it for?

Investors | IPPs | Banks | Solar Developers

Determine the medium to long term production forecasting for better ROI and de-risked projects

What is it for?

Investors | IPPs | Banks | Solar Developers

Determine the medium to long term production forecasting for better ROI and de-risked projects

Product Demo


Dynamic Climate Forecasting

Variability and unpredictability of renewable resources (solar irradiance and wind speed) are the most pressing limiting factors of any solar/wind energy system. The current solutions lack localisation of the forecast and they use only historical satellite data which is inaccurate


Over 98% accuracy

Our cutting-edge service utilises advanced deep/machine learning algorithms to deliver comprehensive solar irradiance forecasts globally. By analysing extensive historical GHI data and incorporating factors such as climate change, microclimate attributes, and human factors, our accuracy reaches an impressive 98% in long-term forecasting